ReelTok: video-based shopping experience

Ready to dominate your market? Unleash your content's full potential and watch your page conversion and revenue skyrocket.

2024: short-form video is turbocharging sales

  • 87%

    of customers say that video helped them make a buying decision.

  • 81%

    of marketers say video has helped them directly increase sales.

  • 64%

    of purchasers are likely to buy a product online after watching a video about it.

Transform your content into videos that grab attention and don’t let go

Video is no longer “nice to have”

There’s a reason why short-form video constitutes 82% of online content

Collapsible content

What is Shoppable Video?

Shoppable Video merges the punch of video with instant shopping, slicing through the usual buying hassle.

It's where brand stories and instant purchasing power collide, letting customers snag products on the spot.

Does ReelTok help me create the videos?

ReelTok dominates in video tech, not making content. But, we've curated a killer lineup of top spots to find creator content.

Where do the videos come from?

Pull videos straight from your stash—computer, Dropbox, Google Drive. Wherever they're hiding, we bring them into the spotlight.

What aspect ratio of video works best?

We champion every aspect ratio, but shout out for 9:16 as the mobile master.

Fast fact: Vertical vids snag a whopping 40% more eyeballs than the square or landscape losers.

What types of videos do you recommend?

While any video can share your brand's vibe, go for authentic and brief (21-34 seconds) to truly resonate.

Top of the charts?

User-generated content straight from your audience. Also scoring high are founder-led stories and slick product unboxings or demos.

Can I sell multiple products per video?

Of course, pack a punch by selling multiple products in a single, dynamic video!

Does ReelTok impact website page speed?

Nope, ReelTok won't slow down your site. We've got tricks up our sleeve to keep things smooth: lazy loading videos so users get a sneak peek instantly, then the full scene pops in without them noticing a delay. Fast and seamless, that's how we roll.

Is ReelTok a Shopify App?

Yes, ReelTok is a private Shopify App that can be downloaded following a quick demo. Schedule your demo today!

Where does Shoppable video go on my website?

ReelTok Shoppable Videos are enabled for any and all Shopify pages. That said, we recommend adding a video experience directly on your home-page, just below the fold.  This will optimize the amount of engagement and sales conversions.

How do I contact ReelTok if I need support?

Reach out via email to

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